Cemline is an American manufacturer of commercial-grade tanks, pressure vessels, packaged water heaters, and electric boilers for plumbing, water heating, and hydronic systems.
Featured Products
Hydronic System Components

CWB - Chilled Water Buffer Tank
- Hydronic system buffer tank
- Connections for CHW systems
- Optional factory insulation
- Custom fittings available

SEB - Buffer Tanks
- Designed to increase system efficiency
- Unique connection locations
- Optional internal baffles
- Fully customizable

Electric Hot Water Boilers
- Hydronic boilers using electric resistance heat
- Modular easily-replaceable elements
- 12 kW to 2040 kW
- Up to 300 kW in 208V/3
- Vertical or horizontal formats
Domestic Water Heaters & Tanks

EHB - Electric Water Heater
- Stonesteel cement-lined tank
- 12 – 240 kW input
- 40 – 6000 gallons
- Vertical or horizontal
- Customizable

CCH - Indirect Water Heater
- Stonesteel cement-lined tank
- 120 – 1000 gallons
- Packaged double-wall plate HX
- No packaged controls
- Customizable

SPH - Indirect Water Heater
- Stonesteel cement-lined tank
- 60 – 680 gallons
- Packaged double-wall plate HX
- Packaged controls to enable pump
- Customizable

JST - Jacketed Storage Tanks
- Stonesteel cement-lined tank
- 120 – 6080 gallons
- Factory insulated
- Vertical or horizontal
- Customizable