Since 1987, ClimateWorx International Inc., has been a global supplier of mission critical climate control products. Located in Ontario, ClimateWorx (formerly Canatal) provides critical air conditioning units for server rooms where precise temperature & humidity control is a necessity.
Featured Products
Data Centre Cooling (CRAC)
These CRAC units can utilize air- or water-cooled DX coils, or chilled water hydronic coils, up or down flow configurations, optional reheat coils & humidifiers, and can be networking together for lead/lag operation to provide redundancy. Contact us to discuss ClimateWorx for your critical room application.

SERIES 6, 8, 9 - Vertical Floor Mount
- 2-30 Ton capacity
- Up or Down flow configurations
- Single or Dual circuit
- DX or chilled water
- SCR controlled reheat
- Self contained humidifier

SERIES P & PS6 – Vertical Floor Mount
- 2-50 Ton capacity
- High efficiency direct-drive EC plenum fans utilized

SERIES 7 & 11 – Wall & Ceiling Mount
- 1-5 Ton capacity
- Impressive feature set in small package

SERIES IR - In-Row Cooling
- 3-16 Ton capacity
- Small footprint (12” wide)